"Shy of holding our Lord hand in hand, what is more precious than the words he has spoken? Lance Thollander puts the words "Heaven", "Light", "Life" and others back in their cherished places of honor, glory, and comfort. This is a book that is long overdue as our Christian vocabulary has too often become commercialized, devalued, and common."
Mark Haskins, PhD., Darden Graduate School of Business, University of Virginia

Unleashing the Divine takes a fresh look at concepts of faith central to a vibrant Christian experience. These include The Mystery, Life, the Spirit, the Church, the Kingdom, and others. These concepts have suffered years of trite use, cultural attack, and shallow interpretation thus sapping the vitality of Christian faith in America.

These words are sung, prayed and used everyday without deep meaning. As a result their ability to bring believers to a mature faith has been weakened. The book recaptures the depths of these concepts encouraging committed believers and energizing those whose faith has become legalistic or boring. It kindles a passion for Christ and a desire to pursue him with others of similar passion.

Though the power of these concepts has been lost to many, there is hope. This book presents practical suggestions to restore that hope in language that is simple yet profound. Believers from 18 to 80 will find encouragement in its pages.

Click here to read the book introduction.

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